17 July 2012

Southbound Train from Concord

On 1 September 1987, Brian Wilson (not the beach boy) and several other Vietnam veterans were starting a hunger strike on the tracks leading out of the Concord Naval Weapons Station. They were there to block arms shipments headed for the Contras in Nicaragua. More than 40 protestors to stop, but the spotters and engineers aboard the munitions train ignored the screams. The train running at 17 mph (three times the legal speed) would not stop. Two of the veterans jumped away at the last second, but Wilson was run over by the 200,000 pound locomotive. He lost both his legs and ended up with with multiple broken bones and a plate in his head.

Along with "I'm a Contra" this was another attempt at writing a "topical song". When I read the story I decided to approach it from the perspective of the train conductor. He was probably "following orders", maybe he even believed in the cause of arming the "freedom fighters".

The original appeared on my tape "The Squirrel babies Waved Goodbye", but the version found on "This Machine Eats Bacon" was recorded live at WQBR-Ypsilanti on Rob McLean's Collide-a-scope programme. Jimmigator Nichols played drums and does a nice solo in the middle of the song. DJ Kurt B. Smith can be heard on train whistle.

I'm the conductor of a weapons train and
I don't stop for nobody! I don't stop for nobody!
I don't stop for nobody! I don't stop for you!

Taking these bombs to Central America
I don't stop for nobody! I don't stop for nobody!
I don't stop for nobody! I don't stop for you!

I see you there with your picket signs and
don't stop for nobody! I don't stop for nobody!
I don't stop for nobody! I don't stop for you!

I'll speed up as I come near 'cuz
I don't stop for nobody! I don't stop for nobody!
I don't stop for nobody! I don't stop for you!

Ran you down but the others got away.
I don't stop for nobody! I don't stop for nobody!
I don't stop for nobody! I don't stop for you!

Drag your body for 25 yards 'cuz
I don't stop for nobody! I don't stop for nobody!
I don't stop for nobody! I don't stop for you!

Mangled your foot and crushed your legs.
I don't stop for nobody! I don't stop for nobody!
I don't stop for nobody! I don't stop for you!


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